In case you haven't noticed, I mainly blog when I feel like bitching. And while it's nice to have this outlet, it's portraying my life in a negative light. And frankly, my life rules. I'm the happiest I've ever been and I feel as though I'm doing the people in my life a disservice to only talk about things that are pissing me off. Plus, it has GOT to be a bummer for y'all to read.
So I'm lightening things up around here. Starting today. I am dedicating the month of the November to thankfulness. I came up with this plan while I was bored at work this morning. While making the new calendar on the white board (a.k.a. spacing out), I thought, "Self, why don't you write a happy post every day this month? OOOH! Let's draw a turkey on the calendar because it's Thanksgiving! Hey! I should write a thankful post everyday!" I even thought, "It's like that thing Leah did once with the posting everyday."
Turns out, that thing she did last year is starting today! Serendipity, ya'll! So I joined up
here and posted the badge in the sidebar and there you go. I'm NaBloPoMo-ing it up all month long here at the Sand Palace.
So, back to my plan. I want to write a positive post everyday listing at least one thing for which I am thankful.
So....Day One of Thankfulness NaPoBloMo 2007, here we go!
Alex. My husband. Sound too obvious? Not so fast! Allow me to brag on my husband for a second. I have been out of coffee all week and can't remember for the life of me to buy some while I'm out and about. Last night, right before I fell asleep, I was all, "Ugh. I forgot coffee AGAIN. What the H, yo?" And then this morning, Alex wakes me up and asks if he can make me breakfast and coffee.
Which...that is weird. Alex hates morning. He hates them more than I do, and I hate them A LOT. If we could both somehow work it out to where we didn't have to rise until around 10 am, that'd be great for both of us. Sadly, my job requires me to be there at 8 am, so I am always the first one out of bed. I usually grab a pop tart and throw food at the dogs, all the while cursing about how I hate that I'm always running late. So the fact that Alex was awake and lucid before I had even gotten out of bed was a big deal.
I groggily replied, " coffee. I'm out." To which he responds, "Yes, yes you do have coffee." He got up early and went to the grocery store and purchased me coffee. Y'all. Amazing. And when I came downstairs? There was scrambled eggs, toast and a cup of coffee waiting for me. Not a bad way to start a morning.
See? My life rules.
P.S. Thanks for the hair color votes! I'm planning on getting it done in the next week or two and I will post pictures of the results then!