Saturday, November 06, 2010

The Winner

I know! I'm surprised too. I went to the store today, determined to buy the gray cardigan. The current votes were 3-2 in favor of the gray.

But then I tried the black one on again, so I could show my mom. And well...I had my doubts. The black one really is more flattering. And it's a tad bit dressier. And when it came down to it, I just LIKED it better.

So I decided that I should probably buy something that I liked. Even though it's not as versatile. I might totally regret this decision, but ah well. At least I have one cute cardigan, right? Plus, I am planning on using Phil's advice and stalking the gray one until it goes on super sale and get it too.

I'll try to remember to take a picture of me wearing it tomorrow so you can see how it looks with something cute.

Thanks for y'all's help! I should ALWAYS consult the internet on my clothing purchases!


Ashley said...

I was gonna say the black one, for what it's worth!

Cora said...

Alright Ashley! That means it was a tie! That makes me feel better about getting the black one. :)