Anyway, here's this year's basket. A basket that I actually put together. Good job me! Much better than last year's gift (Although I TOTALLY failed as the Easter Bunny and forgot to put the basket out the night before. So I had to put it together in the living room while Alex distracted Jack with his breakfast.)
We were running late that morning (Surprise!), so I was the only one around when Jack saw the basket for the first time. He had no idea what to think, until he figured out that those little colored things were kind of like balls. Balls that you can throw! And if you throw them hard enough, stuff comes out of them! (I filled them with organic crackers because I am the lamest Easter Bunny EVER.) (I really thought they were sweet when I bought them.) (I let him eat them off the floor because I felt bad they weren't candy.)
I was obsessed with finding bunny ears this year. I have NO idea why, but I just thought it'd be really cute. I had rejected some $1 bunny ears from Target a few weeks before Easter and then kicked myself when they were never to be seen again. Old Navy had some for five bucks, which seemed a little pricey, considering I didn't think Alex would even let me get them on Jack. But then! My mom insisted on going to Joann's during her visit and lo, their Easter stuff was 50% off. AND she bought them too. Hooray for grandmas!
Jack? Was not so pleased.
Doesn't he look exhausted here? He was waaaaaay off his schedule at this point. (The pajamas were a birthday gift from my grandmother. Alex thinks they're...loud. But great-grandma trumps dad in this case.)
We gave Jack a quick bath before church and got him dressed. Such a handsome little man!
We had time after church to get some cute pictures of him really exploring his basket. And again with the ears. Alex liked them, much to my surprise. And Jack tolerated them for quite a while because he was so distracted with the toys.
Here he is checking out the puzzle. (It's a Melissa and Doug one that I scored on the cheap at TJ Maxx. Oh yeah!)
And here he is with last year's basket. This is the only marker we've used to show much he has grown in his first year. He's almost as big as the basket now.
And thus concludes Easter 2010. Maybe next year the Easter Bunny will get his or her act together and bring chocolate in the basket. MAYBE.
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