Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This and That

- So remember Friday how I mentioned that Jack is not ba ba ba-ing? Well, scratch that. He is now ba ba ba-ing and making all other sorts of crazy sounds. It was like something just clicked in his head last night and Alex and I stared at him in amazement as he babbled his little heart out. Geez, y'all, it's like he's a REAL GROWING PERSON.

- South Beach Diet update! I have lost 9 pounds. Woo! I also started the 30 Day Shred yesterday. I've had that DVD in my posession for months, but I found the Shredhead website last night and these before and after pictures sealed the deal for me. I want some results, y'all. So...we'll see how it goes, eh? I took my very own "before" pictures last night and you will never ever ever see them. But I'm excited to keep going. My weight loss over the last two weeks was the kick start I needed to add working out to the mix.

- NaBloPoMo starts soon and I'm thinking of doing it again. Maybe I'll last longer than 4 days this year. Maybe.

- Bananas seem to be a hit with Jack so far. We bought fancy organic Ecuadorian bananas last night at our local fancy grocery store and I felt sad that I can't personally eat them...fancily. (And they smelled so great after I pureed them and gosh darnit, I want a smoothie.) But uh, anyway, yeah, I think the baby likes bananas. (Related: I can't spell bananas, apparently. Thank you spell check!)

- I finished The Help last week and my word, it was FANTASTIC. Seriously, it was the best book I have read in a really, really long time. I highly recommend it. It's set in Jackson, Mississippi and focuses on the relationships between the black maids and the white women they work for. It's incredibly well written and so, so thoughtful. I couldn't put it down and read it in 3 or 4 days. So if you can get your hands on a copy, I think you'd really enjoy it. And then after you read it, tell me how much you liked it. K?

ETA: I don't know if any of y'all are Firefly fans or not, but this clip from Castle last night makes me so happy. I love Nathan Fillion. For reals.

1 comment:

griswold fun said...

Jenny recommended the Castle to us, but we haven't watched it yet. I will have to bump it up on our priority list :-)