Saturday, January 20, 2007

Back from the Dead

Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? Anybody home? I've dusted off the cobwebs and apparently there's still a blog under here. Who knew?

So, internet, how the heck are ya? What's going on? Is life treating you well? Had any major events happen to you? Engagements? Marriages? Babies? Anything?

Me either!

Since we last spoke, I had received the most amazing and fantastic purse in the known universe for Christmas. And life was good. Since that time:

I STILL own the most fantastic and amazing purse in the known universe.
I flew to New Orleans for Christmas.
Alex drove down and met my grandmother and saw where I grew up.
My family fell in love with Alex.
We rang in 2007 with my parents at their house with Anderson Cooper on the TV.
I came back to work to a new job at the same company (A slight pay increase and an enormous work-load increase ensued.)
I bought a scale.
I went back to the gym.
Ohio State lost the national title game.
LSU spanked Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl. (Gooooo SEC!)
I've lost 3 pounds so far.
I watched the first 2 seasons of "The Office."

The end.

That's my life in a nutshell. But there's lots of fun little things missing. Like how I accidentally drank too many martinis while in Louisiana and how a girl at the gym told me I smelled and how Alex and I are now in our 8th month of dating bliss and how I hate overtime no matter how well it pays because now I leave work later which leads going to the gym later which leads to less time with Alex which leads to us losing that fun new relationship feel where we just can't get enough of each other and blah, blah, blah, woe is me, I hate being a grown up sometimes.



Jodi said...

Welcome Back! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update!!